
I'm learning to build both physical and digital products. Here are the projects I've completed or am actively working on:

Distributed Sensor Network with ESP32 and DHT11

A distributed weather station built with ESP32 microcontrollers and a DHT11 sensor to monitor and display real-time temperature and humidity data via a web interface. View the full README on the GitHub repository

Library Terminal Project

This is a terminal-based library application, written in Java. This application using OOP principles to manage a User and Book class. The application allows you to input your name, and then choose from the options of creating a book, taking out a book, giving a book back and printing a receipt of your books. Please click on the image to view the GitHub repo for the project.

Grocery Bud

Grocery Bud is a grocery list app written in HTML, CSS and Javascript. It uses local storage to save data so your grocery list is safe if you close the tab.

Interactive Menu

This is a fake restaurant menu that uses buttons to filter down the options by grouping. This is built in HTML, CSS and Javascript.